
Welcome Back

I know y'all missed me terribly, as you've waited on baited breath for another post on this little literary platform of mine. No? Ah well.

I decided that a year's long enough.  Something about warm, stormy weather refreshes me.  Makes me want to take note this strange time in our lives.

I am also spurred by a sadness that came over me when we spent a sweet, sweet weekend in a creepy house on the coast of Port Aransas with some of our closest, most entertaining compadres. A poor man's paradise.

And the only proof I have is this...on the ferry.

While poignant and symbolic, it's tragic that the only picture of our Memorial Day weekend is this and those mental snapshots I took in between pre-mixed margaritas. And I stole it. Off Facebook.  I didn't even ask, I'm sorry Kelsey.

This lack of documentation must be rectified. Someone should have been snapping photos of the boys eating leftover pasta and bolognese sauce in the shower while trying to rinse away all of the beach sand that got into places it never should have been in the first place.

Maybe not that. But there are some memories I would like to preserve.

Like playing on the beach all day in perfect weather, when Google predicted a full-on downpour. Like trying for hours to get a janky bald-eagle kite to fly, because it's just not patriotic to give up. It's an eagle for gods-sake.

That's the good shit.

So here's my motivation- I start up this silly blog again so I can keep track of the all of zis. You're welcome ;). 

All My Love,


Memorial Day 2012

As I'm typing this I have a sleeping puppy and a sleeping husband in the bed next to me. One of them is snoring...which one, I'll never tell.

We have had an amazing weekend so far.  Between the pool outings and the block parties, it's easy to forget where we were just one year ago.  We were in between black-outs. Black-outs happen when someone in the unit has died and they cut off all communication until the family of the deceased soldier has been notified. Towards the end of the deployment, the black-outs became much more frequent, especially with the announcement of our upcoming Iraq departure.

And while I was so happy to see this guy via Skype...
we both spent the last 3 months on pins and needles.

So today my heart is not only with the soldiers who has passed on and those who are still serving overseas, but also with the military families waiting here at home. The images and stories brought to the forefront on Memorial Day can be terrifying to those still waiting. 

All I have to do is think back for just a second, and the fear and pain I felt during that year feels new and raw all over again.

I am so thankful for the proud, supportive country we live in. I'd like to give a particular shout-out to our neighborhood.

Jon and I had a date night on Saturday at the Domain. Jon pointed out that we were dressed a little American flag-ish so I insisted on a front yard photo shoot before we left.

Buddy wanted a few solo shots.

Sunday we went to a fabulous dinner at our neighbors. 
This is why we love them...

Luckily, we didn't have far to walk post-dinner.

Today, we are serving up a classic Memorial Day with friends, golf, pool-time, and a BBQ.  I need to get to work on my pasta salad, and these guys are up now.
All My Love,


Garden Party

No, no, do not worry. This blog has not been forgotten about, I just needed a break while I found my bearings in ze new job. I think I'm finally getting there...here's to hoping for a "No Mistake Monday".

I know I still need to blog about our Derby Party (which I believe was a smashing time, if I do say so myself) and Buddy's recent rattlesnake bite, but I thought I'd re-begin this blog with something a little more current.

Last night we attended the 3rd Calvary's Birthday Cocktail Party.  And while I'm always down for any excuse to dress up,  I enjoyed this shindig more than most regimental events. Perhaps it was the lack of a sit-down dinner, and the addition of a mystery Marker's Mark punch, but this outdoor event was cool and relaxed.

Before we met up with Kerri and Justin in Killeen, I made an hour-long stop at the pool to give the gams a little color before slipping into the LBD. 

This song was on repeat the entire time. I'm obsessed.

*Put on your old black dress 

And grab your dancing shoes. 

Head out to the old bar Rose
and we'll dance away our blues. 
Spent all week waiting 
Now my mind's on you. 
Hold my loving arms, my loving arms are for you. 
I'm so tired of the nine to five weighing down on my soul 
Let's get out all of this uptown life and head out on the country road. 
Forget about all the things that we can't make right 
Put on a little Emmyloo, and we'll dance into the night.*

Serious party prep.

Attempt #1

What do we do with our handz?!

Still not there.

There. Perfection.

Ker begged to wear her derby hat to the garden party.

Tres Chic.

Beautiful couple, ready for a night on the town...errr the lawn.

A sober event.

And to be sure, there was dancing ALLLL through the night.

All My Love,


Wedding Wednesday {but it's Friday!}

Oh Hello! Welcome to Sweet Friday! It has been a WONDERFUL week in the Morgan abode.

After months and months of sweat and worry, we just received word that Jon was accepted to the MBA program at the University of Texas! Hook ‘em Horns.

Doesn’t he just fit the part of a business man??

Although, I must say, I will always be fond of those

I promise we are nearing the end of our wedding photos. This is when things started to get schweaty...nice and schweaty. Enjoy.

Business must be good.

All My Love,